
The purchase prices of premium domain names are very different as a result of different considerations: business potential, term, length, retention, traffic diversion, registration date, and much more.

Based on the Console term, length, retention, traffic diversion and registration date Sedo GmbH (well-known Domain rating and brokerage company) or (online domain rating tool) valued only the domain name as minimum around 500,000 Euro. However taking into account the very high business potential (for example the ESA industry facts) and the broad spectrum for different business areas, rating companies evaluate the market value much higher.

Considering this ratings, the facts, the current domain sale prices and the selling prices of comparable domain names we kindly ask interested parties for an price offer:

Or click here to learn more about the price facts.

How to purchase

How to purchase

The purchase settlement of the premium domain name is handled by a lawyer in Austria. This lawyer is responsible for the purchase agreement of the premium domain name "" under austrian law and the ICANN "first-come-first-served" principle between the domain buyer and the domain seller. They will also ensure the correct transfer of to the buyer and also the correct transfer of the purchase price to the domain seller. Based on the purchase price, the domain buyer has to pay the fees from the lawyer in Austria (will be notified separately), and all other fees which are related with the domain transfer.

Please note: binding statements, especially binding purchase statements, have to be made ONLY by this
contact form or by letter.


Contact us

If you have any questions or you need more information about the premium domain name please contact the Domain owner:

Markus Neumeister
Schneeberggasse 30/3
2700 Wr. Neustadt

Why this premium domain name?

  • is a strong term, refers to a broad spectrum, and offers versatile options for a company and also for a Startup!
    (Please click here for more information)
  • is resistant to traffic diversion as it is very easy to remember, to spell and to write!
  • is a 1-word, very short catchy and meaningful premium domain name - Console dot com - offers a very good advertising effectiveness and a very high level of business and branding potential!
  • or CONSOLE.COM or can be used in upper and lower case letters without loss of the eye-catching effect and meaning!
  • is unique and ideal for launching a new brand or innovation!
  • is ideal for international use thanks to the ".com" ending!
  • is perfect for multiple business groups and products!
    (Please click here for more information)
  • is perfect for manufacturers, online stores, large communities, gaming and media portals, (online) publications, product lines, game downloads, software, business application, ...
  • is also perfect for Blockchain / Crypto projects, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), Metaverse, ...
  • is also perfect for the mobile sector and consumer electronic (cell phone games, smartphones, tablet PCs, home entertainment and audio systems, ...)
  • is also perfect for other branches of industries: print devices (print console), network and software applications (network, input, cloud, or software console), audio and video devices (audio, video, or mixing console), payment solutions (payment console), parts and accessories (mounting console), and more!
  • provides huge opportunities to secure new business areas and additional revenue potentials!

Click here to learn more about the importance of premium domain names.

Why now

Today, there is a huge amount of competition in just about every niche.
How will you stand out without a serious domain? You won't.

So take advantage of this huge opportunity and place your bid now
because it is unlikely that is offered again after the sale!